Cheri Keirstead

Like every woman, I’ve worn many hats as a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, volunteer, healer, artist, and author. Having a large extended family has taught me a thing or two about navigating life and changes, managing all the pulls and needs of others, and figuring out who I am and what I need to be whole, healthy, grounded, and expansive. Life continually evolves, and having a creative practice has supported me through all of life’s challenges, ebb and flow, and uncertainty. 

In my previous careers as a teacher, financial analyst, accounting supervisor, Spiritual Life Coach, and Energy Healer, I wrote in many capacities, always non-fiction and informational, including courses, blogs, articles, and manuals.

In 2018, my husband and I moved to St. Augustine, Florida, blowing up my energy healing practice, website, and blogs, diving deep into new creative waters, which led me to intuitive painting and fulfilling a lifelong dream, publishing my first novel. I’m deep into the next one.

Art fuels my writing, and writing fuels my art. It’s reciprocal. One cannot exist without the other. They co-create. I’m grateful to have discovered my creative flow. On the canvas and pages, I go deeper within healing what’s stuck, receiving guidance and grace. With each stroke, whether words or color, I  remember who I am in the light of love.

Please join me on this adventure, and allow me to inspire and support you in living in creative flow.