Cheri Keirstead

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Cheri’s gentle nudging into thinking of things from a different perspective was key to self-realization

I accidentally met Cheri through a miscommunication, and truly believe that there are NO coincidences in life, some things are just truly meant to be. I signed up for her personal coaching classes, and then she invited me to join her pilot program, 90 days to Love.

What started out as the worst time of my life turned into a year of soul searching and true clarity about who I was and what I wanted from my next relationship. Cheri gets right to the heart of the subject, makes you see that you can’t use blame or recrimination for things that go wrong, how to go forward and use things as a learning process so that you can move on with CHOICES of what YOU need in a relationship.

It was such a turning point in my life to realize that I DID have a say, and her way of gently nudging you into thinking of things from a whole different perspective is key to self-realization.

I can’t recommend Cheri enough, and it’s not just for people who are going through tough times in a relationship. Her process can be applied to every facet of your life, and that is what makes working with Cheri and her programs so valuable! Cheri, you’re the BEST, love you girl!

Paulette, LaPlume, Derry, NH